In partnership with:
Hire the best young talent with skills that are matched to your business
Create your free account to access Canada's largest campus recruiting platform:
- Access up to $7,000 wage subsidy when hiring a student
- Easily review profiles of qualified applicants, and download their resumes with built-in Applicant Tracking System (ATS)
- Measure posting metrics
- Access Employer Resources and content feeds from trusted partners
- Access our dedicated concierge support service

Wage Subsidy Eligibility
The Magnet Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) brings together employers, students, and post-secondary school stakeholders to create quality work-integrated learning (WIL) opportunities.
The program provides employers with wage subsidies to hire post-secondary students for paid work experiences. Students in turn benefit with quality work experience so they can secure employment in their chosen fields of study.

The project is funded by the Government of Canada's Student Work Placement Program.

Our Partnership
In partnership with RBC, Magnet is proud to support businesses across Canada through the creation of the RBC Youth Employer Portal, which connects employers with the best young talent.
Connecting job seekers to career opportunities that match their skills,experience, and career goals.
Connecting job seekers and workers to learning and career growth resources.
Helping employers build their talent pipeline and supporting work integrated learning opportunities for Canadian students.

Future Skills Centre
Magnet provides the digital infrastructure for Canada’s new Future Skills Centre Community of Practice (FSC CoP), a forward-thinking research centre with a focus on how to best prepare Canadians for future opportunities. Your Magnet account enables you to join the FSC CoP as a collaborator and connect with a national network of leaders and experts.
Using Magnet’s targeted messaging, FSC curates and disseminates content relating to:
- Insights into the labour market of today and the future
- Approaches to skills development and employment training to transition in a changing Canadian economy.
The FSC CoP also serves as an online platform where you can connect with experts from within and outside of your sector to access new ideas and information, share resources, and build new partnerships.

How it Works
Step 1
Create a free Magnet business account.
Step 2
Provide details about your business.
Step 3
Regardless of your location, size, or industry, your profile will automatically match you to the latest research, government programs, learning opportunities, and funding. Get matched to the right opportunities to grow your business.
Step 4
Post jobs and get matched with top talent.

Magnet is a digital social innovation platform, founded at Ryerson University. Through the Magnet Network, our mission is to accelerate inclusive economic growth for all in Canada by advancing careers, businesses and communities.
Student Work Placement Program Eligibility
Employers must be:
- A Registered, Canadian business or not-for-profit;
- Willing to provide a quality work-integrated learning experience to a Post Secondary student;
- Committed to paying the student for the role, and have the financial capacity to pay the student for the duration of the placement in full (the wage subsidy will be administered after receiving all supporting documentation, at the end of the placement);
- Compliant with all federal and provincial human rights and labour legislation, regulations, and any other relevant standards including the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Employment Standards Act;
- Where legally required, responsible for Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) or alternate workplace insurance coverage;
Ineligible Employers include (but are not limited to):
- Federal, Provincial, Territorial and Municipal Government
- Hospitals and public long-term care facilities
- Crown Corporations
- Post-Secondary Institutions (PSIs)
- Financial institutions
- Non-secular institutions*
- Please note that this list may not be comprehensive, placement eligibility is determined through the application process.
*secular WIL opportunities in Non-secular institutions may be eligible, please reach out to for clarification.
Students must be:
- Registered as a domestic student in a recognized post-secondary institution
- Canadian citizens, permanent residents, or persons to whom refugee protection has been conferred under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
- Legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial or territorial legislation and regulations. International students are not eligible
- Undertaking a placement that is recognized as work-integrated learning in connection with a course, degree, certificate, diploma, or other recognized program offered by the institution. The placement can be required or optional, for credit or not for credit.
- In a full or part-time program from any program of study
Eligible Placements must:
- Meet requirements of a Net NEW placement as defined by Employment and Social Development Canada (“ESDC”).
- Be a full-time or part-time position,
- Sub contracts/ contractor positions are not eligible
- Please note, apprenticeships noted on the Red Seal Trades website are not eligible.
- Placements cannot be filled by a business owner or an existing employee
Combination with other public programs:
- Partial provincial, territorial and municipal funds are permitted to be combined with Student Work Placement Program (SWPP), but only funds from non-governmental sources are eligible for subsidy. For example, a position paid with 60% provincial grant funding is only eligible for a subsidy calculated on the remaining 40% of the funds paid by the employer.
- Employers are responsible for following provincial tax credit guidelines where stacking with provincial tax credits will occur (employer’s are encouraged to consult their tax professional).
- Combination with federal funding programs is not eligible. This may include, but is not limited to, an award/grant from other federal funding programs, Canada Summer Jobs, Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), Student Work Placement Program administered through another delivery partner (full list available here), etc.
Key Terms
A wage subsidy provides financial reimbursement to employers who hire eligible job seekers.
The SWPP program is an economic development effort funded by the federal government to support the growth of Canadian businesses and nonprofits. Organizations who wish to participate must demonstrate a projected increase in the number of students hired in their “baseline year” in order to qualify. Net new is determined by subtracting the number of students hired by an employer in the first year prior to first participating in the Student Work Placement Program, from the number of students (not staff) the employer is intending to hire in the current fiscal year, including those already hired.
As defined by Co-operative Education and Work-Integrated Learning Canada, work-integrated learning (WIL) is a model and process of curricular experiential education which formally and intentionally integrates a student’s academic studies within a workplace or practice setting.
Work Integrated learning opportunities that are eligible for Student Work Placement wage subsidies include, but are not limited to:
- mentorship programs
- co-op placements
- practicums
- applied research projects; and
- internships
WIL experiences include an engaged partnership of at least: an academic institution, a host organization and a student. WIL can occur at the course or program level and includes the development of learning outcomes related to employability, personal agency and life-long learning.
Learn more about WILFirst Year Students are defined as students registered in the first year of their program at a recognized post-secondary institution.
Students from under-represented groups include:
Women in STEM: refers to a woman registered and studying in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
Indigenous People: refers to people who reported identifying with at least one Aboriginal group, that is, First Nations, Métis or Inuit, and/or those who reported being a Treaty Indian or a Registered Indian as defined by the Indian Act of Canada, and/or those who reported they were members of an Indian band or First Nation.
Persons with disabilities: refers to an individual who has a difficulty or impairment due to a long-term condition or health problem and/or experiences a limitation in their daily activities.
Newcomer: refers to immigrants who immigrated to Canada within the last five years.
Visible Minorities: refers to persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-Caucasian in race or non-white in colour